Vision Statement

Harrisonburg Mennonite Church is called to be a community of faith, engaging:
with God in worship
with each other in discipleship
with our neighbors in friendship

Mission Statement

Harrisonburg Mennonite Church is an Anabaptist community of disciples of Jesus Christ bringing God's healing and hope to our neighbors and our world through the power of the spirit. 


Values Statements

We are a reconciling community of transformed believers committed to the Anabaptist/Mennonite principles of discipleship, justice, and peace. We offer a welcoming place to belong in God's kingdom on earth through worship, Discipleship Communities, small groups, bible studies, mission groups, and mutual care.

We believe that Christians worship together regularly as a community of believers. We worship God by our joyful praise, thanksgiving, confession, and prayer through Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit.

Spiritual Growth/Discipleship
We believe the Bible is our guide for faith and practice as interpreted by the spirit-led community of faith. We understand discipleship to mean that we covenant to follow Christ in all areas of life and to support each other in our faith journeys. We value the teaching and nurture of our children, youth, and adults.

Mission and Evangelism
We follow Christ in word and deed, reaching out to our neighbors and the world by sharing our faith and compassionately serving others. We witness through evangelism, invite people to join our faith community, actively volunteer in numerous ministries, and generously support mission organizations. 

We are called to live as faithful stewards of all that God has entrusted to us, including God's creation. We commit to sacrifficially invest our spiritual gifts and ffinancial resources to support our mission and vision and thus to expand God's kingdom.