Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?
5:00 PM17:00

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?

This will be launched during Sunday services on February 23, 2025.

At HMC we value connection and "church family."  To facilitate more connection, we are providing a new opportunity for us to get to know each other better and strengthen relationships with each other: A Dinner Event - where you can choose whether to be a host or a guest.  The success of this event (and ultimate goal of building connections with each other) depends on you - your participation is important!  The dinner date is Sunday evening, the 5th Sunday of the month, March 30.  You get to choose whether you want to be a Host or a Guest - keep in mind that we need both to make this a success!

If you are willing to be a host, you decide how many people you would like to provide a meal for in your home.  This can be a meal that you create or you could order in.  It can be a simple meal or it could be a meal with all new recipes and several courses, that's totally up to you. As a host, you decide if you want to have your guests sit at your dining room or kitchen table or if you want to sit more casually around your living room - whatever works best for you.  However, you will not know who is coming to your house until they arrive; you will be notified of how many guests are coming to your house.

If you prefer to be a guest, you will receive address information for the home where you will be having dinner shortly before the event, but you won't know who you will be having dinner with.  

Our goal is for everyone to be able to share a meal with people you already know, possibly some you don't know, and get to make some new friend connections from HMC.

We need to hear from you by March 24 in order to make plans for everyone to have a place to be on Sunday, March 30.  Please select from the FORM FOR HOSTS or the FORM FOR GUESTS.

If you have any questions, please contact Deb Pardini.

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Maundy Thursday Seder Meal
6:00 PM18:00

Maundy Thursday Seder Meal

Join us at for a family-friendly Seder Meal (gluten-free & dairy-free options). We will gather in the Fellowship Hall at 6:00 p.m. for a meal and explanation of the rituals behind Passover.

There will be a time of communion during the meal and an optional time of hand or foot washing after the meal. All are welcome to come and participate!

Sign up here

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Good Friday Service - 7:55 p.m.
7:55 PM19:55

Good Friday Service - 7:55 p.m.

We invite you to join us at 7:55 p.m., sundown, in person and live stream for our Good Friday service.  This will be a reflective time of scripture and song as we join together to remember Jesus’ journey to the cross.  This will be participatory, with responsive reading, and candle lighting.  If you’re joining us from home, in preparation, set up seven candles in your home, light them, and turn off the rest of the lights.  If you don’t have candles, just turn seven lights on in your home.

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Easter Sunrise, Outdoor Celebration at 7:30 a.m.
7:30 AM07:30

Easter Sunrise, Outdoor Celebration at 7:30 a.m.

Join us at 7:30 a.m. outside the East Entrance for an in-person Easter Sunrise service with songs and message. If you have a chair to bring, please do so. This will not be live-streamed.

Plan to stay for the provided continental finger-food breakfast (with gluten-free & dairy-free options) in the Fellowship Hall from 8:00 - 8:40 a.m. followed by the Easter hymn sing from 9:00 - 9:20 a.m. then combined worship service which will be in-person and livestreamed at 9:40 a.m..

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Easter Sunday Worship Service 9:40 a.m.
9:40 AM09:40

Easter Sunday Worship Service 9:40 a.m.

Join us as at 9:40 a.m. as we worship together for Easter Sunday in-person and live-streamed.

Other events include Easter Sunrise Service (in person only) at 7:30 a.m., a continental finger-food breakfast from 8:00 - 8:40 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall (all food is provided with gluten-free & dairy-free options), a hymn sing starting at 9:00 - 9:20 a.m.

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HMC Congregational Meeting & Watch Party!
5:30 PM17:30

HMC Congregational Meeting & Watch Party!

HMC congregation gathers to review our 2024 year, discuss upcoming changes in 2025, and vote on the 2025 Giving Plan.

With the Celebrating 500 Years of Anabaptism happening in Richmond with Greg Boyd, HMC will host a watch party from 4 - 6 p.m. before the meeting begins.

A light meal will be provided at 5:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall and the meeting will begin promptly at 6:00 p.m. Childcare will be provided. Contact Julie - if you plan to utilize childcare with names and ages of your children.

We hope you will join us!

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Christmas Carol Sing
6:15 PM18:15

Christmas Carol Sing

  • Harrisonburg Mennonite Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come join with others to sing your favorite Christmas carols on December 4 (after our Wednesday evening meal). Hot cocoa will be provided and we ask you to bring a favorite Christmas treat/finger food to share from 6:15 - 7:00 p.m. during a time of fellowship. Singing from 7 - 8:00 p.m. in the Worship Center.

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Holidays and Grief Workshop
10:00 AM10:00

Holidays and Grief Workshop

  • Harrisonburg Mennonite Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The holiday season can be especially difficult for anyone struggling with loss. Join Pastor Carmen for a time to reflect on how we can honor those we miss, while also learning some new ways to cope. Open to anyone who has lost a loved one, no matter how long ago or who it was (parent, spouse, child, sibling or friend) Saturday, November 23, 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.. Sign up below or call the church office at 540-434-4463.

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Hymn Sing
7:00 PM19:00

Hymn Sing

  • Harrisonburg Mennonite Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come join others to sing your favorite hymns in the Worship Center from 7 - 8 p.m. If you plan to come for the meal, please sign up online, and then feel free to fellowship after the meal until the Hymn Sing starts.

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Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale
to Oct 5

Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale

  • Harrisonburg Mennonite Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

VA Mennonite Relief Sale website

Harrisonburg Mennonite Church supports the Relief Sale in many ways from collecting coins and bills throughout September to providing baked goods, quilts, and other auction items, to helping prepare and serve food during the event. However you support this great event, come out and enjoy the weekend full of good food and fun!

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My Coins Count Collection at HMC
to Sep 30

My Coins Count Collection at HMC

  • Harrisonburg Mennonite Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

My Coins Counts will be collected during church services starting September 1 through September 29. All the coins collected will be taken to the VA Mennonite Relief Sale to be counted and given to the needs within MCC and VMMissions.

My Coins Count is a fun way to raise money for projects of Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) and Virginia Mennonite Missions (VMMissions).  Start collecting your coins for when we do our My Coins Count at church.  Coins can be dropped off in the office during the week or up front during Sunday services. Checks should be written to “Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale” memo: My Coins Count

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Children's Friendship Sunday Celebration
9:40 AM09:40

Children's Friendship Sunday Celebration

Children’s Friendship Sunday Celebration is 9:40-10:50 a.m.
Invitations are going home with children to invite a friend or two to come join us for this exciting Sunday. This involves all children from preschool through grade 6.  Some of our 7-8th graders will help us with games.  It’s our last hurrah together before we begin the new Sunday school year on September 3rd.  The new Kindergarteners will be coming to the D wing for games and snack after their story time.

Children who are going into kindergarten will have a special blessing during the worship services.

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Vacation Bible School: Rocky Point Lighthouse
to Jul 11

Vacation Bible School: Rocky Point Lighthouse

  • Harrisonburg Mennonite Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us July 8 - 11 (Monday - Thursday) from 6:00 - 8:15 p.m. for Vacation Bible School: Rocky Point Lighthouse - Where Kids Shine God’s Light! There will also be dinner before VBS for families and volunteers! Adults will need to stay with their children until check-in begins at 5:50 p.m. We are asking adults to sign-in and sign-out their children each evening in the south foyer for the safety of all.

If you’re willing to be part of our preparations, exciting week, or clean up crew, let Lenora know at
Needs list

Bible Verses for VBS: Matthew 5:14-16 CEV
You are the light for the whole world. (Monday)
A city built on top of a hill cannot be hidden, (Tuesday)
and no one lights a lamp and puts it under a clay pot. Instead, it is placed on a lampstand, where it can give light to everyone in the house. (Wednesday)
Make your light shine, so others will see the good you do and will praise your Father in heaven. (Thursday)

Sign up here!! Get your t-shirt for the week.

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Creation Care Networking & Dessert Night
7:00 PM19:00

Creation Care Networking & Dessert Night

Creation Care networking event will be held at Harrisonburg Mennonite Church on Saturday, June 22, at 7 p.m. in the outdoor pavilion (or in the Fellowship Hall in the event of rain).  We hope this will be an opportunity for people from different creation care groups to meet and hear about what others are doing to care for the earth.  We will provide drinks but encourage attendees to bring a light snack or dessert. Hosted by VMC’s Congregational Life Commission.  Please RSVP to

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Church Campout at Highland
to Jun 16

Church Campout at Highland

We celebrate Father’s Day weekend at Highland Retreat Camp. There is NO worship service at HMC.

Whether you plan to stop by for an afternoon or stay overnight, PLEASE SIGN UP so we can have an accurate account of how many people attended for our invoicing. Wendell & Carol Eberly will be in an RV and cabins will pick up keys from them.

HMC has cabins, campsites, and RV spots available for use (sign up here). Highland also shared Mountain View has rooms available for rent (contact them directly for these rooms).

The pool will be open throughout the weekend and several other activities planned.

Click here for more details!

There will be a Sunday worship service with baptisms at Highland at 10:00 a.m. starting in the tabernacle. There is NO in-person or livestream service at HMC.

Stay for a fundraiser lunch for the Honduras Build Team. Enjoy a yummy taco salad!

HMC plans to support Highland with our budgeted amount for Campout no matter what use we actually have. We encourage others to also give a donation to cover expenses while there. Firewood and ice are an additional fee.

Click here if you plan to come to Highland at all during the weekend
HMC Campout webpage

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Honduras Build Mini-Golf Tournament & Fundraiser
6:00 PM18:00

Honduras Build Mini-Golf Tournament & Fundraiser

Sign up for a family friendly mini-golf tournament at Mulligan’s Golf Center on May 31st from 6-8 p.m. and support the Honduras Build Team. Sign up in groups of four or we can group you. There will also be a dessert bar for everyone to enjoy after the tournament. Cost of admission for tournament and desserts is $20.

 Click here to sign up!

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Valley Program for Aging Services (VPAS) "Dementia Friendly" Information
7:00 PM19:00

Valley Program for Aging Services (VPAS) "Dementia Friendly" Information

Join Valley Program for Aging Services (VPAS) Wednesday, May 22, 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. in the Fellowship hall to hear speaker, Joyce Nussbaum, Director of Senior Services for VPAS and member of Weavers Mennonite, as HMC learns what it takes to be a “dementia friendly” congregation, a place that is safe and accessible for those with cognitive decline. Feel free to invite others from outside HMC who may have an interest.  Questions can be emailed to Carmen ( or call her at 540-746-8845.

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Graduate Sunday - Combined Worship at 9:40 a.m.
9:40 AM09:40

Graduate Sunday - Combined Worship at 9:40 a.m.

On Mother’s Day Sunday, we celebrate our youth and others who have reached the milestone of graduation. This is a combined worship service that will begin at 9:40 a.m. Children’s Sunday school and most adult discipleship classes will meet following at 10:50 - 11:50 a.m.

Please send any graduate information about graduates to

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Honduras Build Fundraiser Lunch - April 28
11:00 AM11:00

Honduras Build Fundraiser Lunch - April 28

Plan to join the Honduras Build Team for a fundraiser potato bar meal after church, April 28, in the Fellowship Hall. Serving will start at 11:00 a.m. for 1st service attenders and continue through noon for 2nd service attenders. The meal is by donation. Your gift is tax-deductible to the extent that it exceeds the value of the meal, which is $5 per person. Please indicate the number of meals purchased in the memo line of your check.

Please help us to prepare by clicking here to sign up if you plan to attend

For more information on the 2024 Build -

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HMC Intergenerational Women's Tea
9:00 AM09:00

HMC Intergenerational Women's Tea

HMC Intergenerational Women’s Tea will be held on Saturday, April 20, 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall with light tea luncheon.  Dana Blauch, Licensed Professional Counselor, and member of HMC, will provide inspiring input on emotional health and wellbeing. The cost is $20 per person with scholarship available. 

Childcare will be provided for ages 3 and under (with sign up).  Please provide food and snacks for your child. 

Contact Lois Blauch Miller (540) 578-0800 or email with questions.

We look forward to seeing everyone who has registered!

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Wednesday Evening Meals & Activities
to Apr 17

Wednesday Evening Meals & Activities

  • Harrisonburg Mennonite Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Now - April 17, 2024 (The week before Easter will not have a regular Wednesday evening due to Maundy Thursday)

We gather at 5:30 p.m. for a meal in the Fellowship Hall. The meal is by donation (recommended $4 per person). Click here to sign up for the meal!

Children’s Venture Clubs start at 6:00 p.m. with a time of Crazy Praise in North 1 and then move to grade level groups for lessons and activities in the D & E wings.

Children’s Choir meets after Venture Clubs at 7:00 p.m. in D1.

Jr. High and Sr. High youth groups meet from 7:00 - 8:00 p.m.

Adult Choir meets from 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. in B4.

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