Creation Care
In response to God's call to be stewards of all of life, the HMC Creation Care Group will seek to be channels of encouragement of God's healing and hope for the earth to flow from within us to others across the street and around the world.
Vision Statement
In response to God's call to be stewards of all life, the HMC Creation Care Group will seek to be channels of encouragement of God's healing and hope for the earth to flow from within us to others across the street and around the world.
Links for Guides
Prayer Companion Guide to the Creation Care Path
Tree Guide
A Walk in God’s Creation book
Creation Care Brochure
Tree Project Update 8/23
Map of Creation Care Path with trees
Lance’s Lane Dedication Video
Eastern Mennonite Seminary Chapel - Steve Pardini shared during this chapel about Climate Change and the Healing of Creation.
PDF of message “Climate Change and the Healing of Creation”.
Mission Statement
HMC Creation Care Group will seek to intentionally be a resource to equip our congregation and community with practical ways of caring for the earth motivated by Biblical principles.
Values to Guide Us
Respect for God's creation
Restoration of God's creation
Pursuit of creation friendly lifestyles
Respect for those with diverse views
El Jardin de la Comunidad
Somos personas y familias de diversos orígenes reunidos por una pasión por la creación de Dios y un interés en la jardinería. Damos la bienvenida a personas de todas las culturas, los idiomas y niveles de experiencia en jardinería. Cada familia recibe una parcela de jardín de usar y ayuda con el mantenimiento. Una cuota de $10 se recoge que pagar por el agua, mulch, etc.
Se usted está interesado en una parcela en el jardín de la comunidad de contactos el pastor Mark Keller.
Community Garden
We are individuals and families of diverse backgrounds brought together by a passion for God's creation and an interest in gardening. We welcome people of all cultures, languages, and levels of gardening experience. Each household gets a garden plot to use and helps with the upkeep. A fee of $10/plot is collected to pay for water, mulch, etc. A form can be picked up at the church office to fill out when you pay your fee.
If you are interested in having a plot in the community garden, contact Mark Keller.
Our garden has expanded in 2021 as we have had more interest.