Physical Library: All the books below are resources we have at church. Click any picture to see the amazon page for each book where you can read reviews and descriptions. To borrow a book email/text/call Mark Harmon and it will be sent to you!

Digital Library: Resources to access from home. I’ll be adding articles and devotionals for both parents and youth. Check back as this area gets filled out more!


Check out this Spotify playlist of upbeat songs celebrating the faithfulness and goodness of God. It has a mix between familiar songs from popular Christan radio and some others you might not have heard before.


Jesus-Centered Life: Devotions from Group Publishing to help teens focus on Jesus first. DAY ONE | DAY TWO | DAY THREE | DAY FOUR | DAY FIVE | DAY SIX | DAY SEVEN | DAY EIGHT | DAY NINE | DAY TEN | DAY ELEVEN | DAY TWELVE | DAY THIRTEEN | DAY FOURTEEN | DAY FIFTEEN | DAY SIXTEEN |

Group Publishing: there are a bunch of other free resources from Group, including coloring pages and things for younger children. The “For You” section has some great alternative ways of connecting to God.

Drawn In: 5 devotions designed to get you connecting with God in creative ways like drawing or writing. Short and sweet way to engage with God in a different way.

God With Us: 21 days of devotions in a format of Read, Think, Pray, Apply. You read scripture, think about a couple of points, pray over what you read, then apply it to your life. A more in-depth devotional that’s great for people looking to devote time for getting into scripture daily.

Beyond Our Fears: Following Jesus in a Time of Crisis: This book was released as a Christian response to the SARS outbreak in 2003. It deals with how we respond to crisis by illustrating stories of situations that seemed hopeless. It ultimately asks reflection questions to try and guide us to answers of hope even when things are bleak. Menno Media has made this book free to own as we face a new pandemic.


Pandemic Parenting: An article by Fuller Youth Institute on ways of intentionally connecting with young adult and teen children that are now at home full time.

Naming Loss and Gratitude: Fuller Youth Institute article about being realistic with with grieving that will happen with the loss of school and other activities, but also naming the good things being experienced and processing them as a family.

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Join our GroupMe! We post announcements here and invite group conversations. It’s not always on topic, but the goal is to have a chat where youth can connect and talk about what’s going on.

Mennonite Youth Fellowship (High School) Sponsors

Gary Myers
Bethany Gibbs
Steve Gibbs
Anna Gibbs

Jr Youth Sponsors

Brynn Yoder
Tim Shoemaker
Leah Kratz
Jeremy Kratz
Julia Breneman
Julie Lee

Mentor Committee

Michelle Harmon
Mark Harmon
Kim Jackson