Past Services/Sermons
Unable to attend a service or want to hear the sermon or see YouTube services again? Look through our archives of audio sermons/sermon notes (prior to March 2020) or our live streams and YouTube services with sermon discussion guides (post March 2020).
Together, We Wait: Week 5 - We Long for You - December 24, 2023
/Christmas (eve) Sunday combined worship service
Luke 2:1-12
YouTube livestream link
Together, We Wait: Week 1 - We Come - November 26, 2023
/Isaiah 64:1-9
Sermon discussion guide
1st service YouTube
2nd service YouTube
Due to some difficulties with a microphone, here is an updated mp3 of the sound for 1st service.
Thankful? For That? - November 19, 2023
/Thanksgiving Sunday
Lamentations 3:19-26
Sermon discussion guide